Chikungunya infection in Spain - Update

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 28/08/2015

To the Federal Office for Security in the Health Care were more information concerning the first Chikungunya infection in Spain from Federal Ministry for Health communicated:

"On 3. August 2015 reported the Spanish Ministry of Health a Chikungunya case in Gandia, Province of Valencia. The patient was a 60-year-old manwithout travel history outside the EU in the last three months before the disease.

Endemic is Chikungunya in parts of Africa, South-East Asia and on the the Indiansubcontinent. The main risk factor for a infection is Mosquitoes Exposure. The transmission occurs through mosquito bites of the genus Aedes, mainly Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus.

In Europe is Aedes albopticus in the Mediterranean region and Aedes aegypti in Madeira found in Madeira. Aedes albopictus was also in the province of Valencia. Typical symptoms of a Chikungunya virus infection are high fever, myalgia, rash and arthralgia, where only about 25% of the infections asymptomatic proceed asymptomatically.

In the Essentially are to prevention of a Chikungunya infection for travelers and residents in/from endemic areas, Mosquito protection measures (covering clothing, repellents, mosquito nets) recommended. Here is especially to note, that the mosquitoes are also diurnal are active during the day.

With present symptoms and corresponding travel history should be Chikungunya fever therefore included in the be included in the differential diagnosis and confirmed/excluded by laboratory tests confirmed/excluded be confirmed/excluded."


Further inquiry note