eService-Plattform online

messages in brief | 01/09/2010

All eServices offered by BASG / AGES PharmMed will be available via this platform in the future. Currently, the following services can be accessed via the eServices navigation point:


  • Non-interventional studies (NIS): Public register of all NIS started in Austria as of 01.09.2010. Evaluations can be performed via the register and the result can be downloaded in pdf or csv format.
  • PharmaIS for the pharmaceutical industry to maintain the drug speciality related data relevant to them.
  • Drug specialties register, which can be used to search for all drugs available in Austria. It also contains specialist and usage information on the drugs.

The eServices platform, like the entire AGES PharmMed / BASG website, was created largely in accordance with the W3C guidelines for accessible web content.


Further information:eServices platform



Inquiries:AGES PharmMedE-mail:


Further inquiry note