MabThera (Inopha)

Recall | Medicines | 04/06/2014

The parallel distributor informed its supplied customers on 03.06.2014 and asked for a stock check of the affected batches.


Name of the medicinal product 1. MabThera 100 mg Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung
2. MabThera 500 mg Konzentrat zur Herstellung einer Infusionslösung
Marketing authorisation number(s) 1. EU/1/98/067/001
2. EU/1/98/067/002
Marketing authorisation holder Roche Registration Limited

Batch number(s) 1. MabThera 100 mg:
H0101B03, H0111B03, H0115B05, H0121B10, H0122B03, H0122B07, H0128B01, H0136B03

2.MabThera 500 mg:
H0637B01, H0656B01, H0698B01, N3610B02
Classification of the recall2
BASG reference number INS - 640.001 - 108 7

Further inquiry note