Der Leiter der AGES Medizinmarktaufsicht DI Dr. Günter Waxenecker (4.v.r.) gemeinsam mit den Vertreter:innen der chinesischen Delegation, Wang Jiawei, Gu Guorong, Li Chenyuan, Zhu Chunmei, Zhao Xinjian, He Jinhua und i.A. des deutschen Bundesverbandes der Arzneimittel-Hersteller e.V. (BAH) Dr. Stefan Lakonig (2.v.r.).
Visit to Zhejiang Medical Products Administration
After three years of travel ban for Chinese citizens, which among other things has led to a significant impediment of scientific exchange between China and the rest of the world, a delegation of the Zhejiang Medical Products Administration visited the AGES Medical Market Authority (MEA) on Friday, August 18, 2023.
Chem Affairs Deutschland GmbH, which organized a visit to Austria by a 6-member delegation from the Zhejiang Medical Products Administration - a provincial authority from Hangzhou City in the large Chinese province of Zhejiang with a population of almost 65 million that reports directly to the Chinese National Medical Products Administration (NMPA) - also approached AGES in the course of this visit to Austria with a request to meet with representatives of the MEA.
The aim of the visit was to give the Chinese colleagues an in-depth insight into the activities of the Austrian Medicines Agency (Federal Office for Safety in Health Care, BASG) and the AGES Medical Market Inspectorate, so that the Chinese colleagues can optimize their own processes in the monitoring and administration of pharmaceutical companies based in Zhejiang province.
The MEA received the Chinese colleagues through its head, DI Dr. Günter Waxenecker, and then Günter Waxenecker gave them a presentation on the activities and processes of the MEA. After the short but intensive working visit, the Chinese delegation left the MEA and Austria again, back to China, in order to put into practice the suggestions gained at the MEA for improving their own inspection activities.