Cryos International–DonorID MITTO

Safety warnings | Blood & Tissue | 10/12/2018

The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care was notified by the DanishDanish authority that thisfrom the Danish tissue bank Cryos International (DK257551) about the disease of a child who was conceived with the sperm of thers MITTO was informed.

In the report on thee disease was found in a 5-year old child diagnosed with autism.

The risk assessment submitted includes the following information:Autism-Spectrum-Disorders cover mild to severe cases of autism and often a condition that fits this spectrum is often referred to as autism.heredity and assessment of the risk of autism recurrence. of the risk of recurrence can be depend on the severity depend on. In the present case no information regarding the severity was provided.

The generalized risk of recurrence in half siblings was therefore empirically estimated and is 1% -3%.


Further inquiry note