
Enforcement | 28/09/2021

The product "Flexumgel", which is distributed via international online sales platforms and various illegal websites (such as at.flexumgel-official.shop/apotheke), is classified by the BASG as an illegal medicinal product due to its claims.

The reason for the classification are the following informations contained in the product description:

  • "Relieves pain 15 minutes after application"
  • "Eliminates the cause of joint diseases"
  • "Restores cartilage tissue in arthritis or osteoarthritis"
  • "Prevents the development of osteochondrosis"
  • "Eliminates inflammation"

There are no scientific data available to the Austrian Medicines Agency or BASG proving a medical efficacy of the product.

If you have any information about these or similar, possibly illegal products, please report them directly to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care's office responsible for combating illegal substances (Enforcement) via enforcement@basg.gv.at.


Further inquiry note