Official announcements
The marketing authorization holder informed its supplied customers in a letter dated October 24, 2011, that a precautionary recall is being carried out due to an increased number of suspected cases of adverse drug reactions that occurred within a…
messages in brief
On Oct. 11, 2011, the European Commission published revised proposals to amend Regulation (EC) No. 726/2004 and to amend Directive 2001/83/EC. The content of these proposals is to clarify the form in which companies may inform the public about…
The distributor has informed its supplied customers by letter dated 04.10.2011 that the affected batch has a labeling error: On the folding boxes, the expiration date is poorly legible and stamped with the wrong year (Aug. 31, 2013 instead of the…
Ophthalmologists have informed the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care that the drug Flurekain "Croma" Eye Drops is no longer available. See related files.
messages in brief
The BMF, BMI, BMG and BASG participated in this year's action week. The operation took place this year from 20.09. to 29.09.2011. A total of 84 countries participated in the organized action. The aim was to simultaneously and in a coordinated manner…
messages in brief
The World Health Organization (WHO) has recognized the EU Clinical Trials Register (CTR) as the primary registry for the International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP), a web-based portal that contains information from a number of clinical…
messages in brief
Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1234/2008 of Nov. 24, 2008, concerning the examination of variations to the terms of marketing authorizations for medicinal products for human use and veterinary medicinal products (Variation-Regulation), governs…
messages in brief
Since 01.09.2011 the new harmonized validation criteria are in force. From now on, the validation of dossiers includes the following criteria: Pass/Fail (P/F) and Best Practice (BP). A dossier is considered valid if all Pass/Fail criteria have been…
Safety warnings
messages in brief
The preparations Xenical and Alli Vimpat (active ingredient: orlistat) have been approved throughout Europe since 1998 and 2007, respectively, for weight reduction in adults with overweight (body mass index BMI≥28 kg/m2 in combination with a mildly…
The marketing authorization holder informed its supplied customers in a letter dated September 15, 2011, that crystalline particles may be present in the amino acid chamber of the three batches mentioned and that a recall is therefore being carried…