BASG "All-in-One Register" provides compact medication information in a new design
The pilot phase for the new medicines information system of the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) begins on 21 January 2025. The previous information from the "Medicinal Products Index", the "Shortages Index", the "BASG Announcements" and the "BASG Votes" will be merged into a compact medicines information portal at
This new BASG all-in-one register has also been optimised for use on mobile devices and therefore meets the current requirements of many users. An expansion with further options is already being planned (e.g. additional registers in the new design, data export options, etc.). Feedback will be collected until the end of the pilot phase (end of April 2025) so that this practical experience can be taken into account in the further development of the new BASG All-in-One register.
An electronic questionnaire is provided for this purpose, which allows feedback in a simple form. A FAQ page has been created for general questions and is available here. During the pilot phase, the existing registers will continue to operate in parallel under the familiar Internet addresses so that the familiar BASG information presentations can continue to be used.
Information on the included registers
The Medicinal Products Index section provides information on medicines. In addition to general data, usage and specialist information on medicines with national authorisation is also published. In further expansion stages, access to documents on centrally authorised medicines will also be optimised. The new presentation also simplifies access to the reporting of side effects and quality reports.
The Shortages Index section shows currently reported supply bottlenecks for medicines. The BASG announcements contain up-to-date information on BASG procedures and decisions. The implementation of the new design is already planned. The BASG decisions can be called up on a daily basis in the BASG votes.