Official announcements
messages in brief
Due to a given occasion and due to inquiries regarding "innovations" in the field of traditional herbal medicinal products, the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care takes the liberty to inform about the current legal situation. The background of…
Ebewe/Santoz has initiated a voluntary recall of certain lots of 5-fluorouracil as a precautionary measure. See related file.
Notice of supply difficulties for PegIntron Powder and Solvent for Solution for Injection. See related file.
messages in brief
BASG/AGES PharmMed informs about the internal changeover of the E2B transmission of individual case reports, which was previously done via WebTrader, to gateway operation. The changeover will take place in October. For notifiers who have already…
messages in brief
All eServices offered by BASG / AGES PharmMed will be available via this platform in the future. Currently, the following services can be accessed via the eServices navigation point: Non-interventional studies (NIS) : Public register of all NIS…
messages in brief
The Medicinal Products Import Act 2010, BGBl I 79/2010, came into force on 19.08.2010. Compilation of the scenarios possible according to the law and the forms to be used: AWEG 2010 scenarios import certificates.pdf AWEG 2010 scenarios marketability…
messages in brief
On 18.08.2010, the Medicinal Products Import Act 2010 was published in the Federal Law Gazette, Federal Law Gazette I No. 79/2010 and comes into force on 19.08.2010. The primary objective of the Medicinal Products Import Act is to protect the health…
messages in brief
The Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) publishes the following statement on "Calcium Supplementation and Myocardial Infarction Risk." It refers to a meta-analysis on the use of calcium as monotherapy for osteoporosis published in the…
messages in brief
Further information: Download guide
messages in brief
Children's health depends to a large extent on the availability of appropriate medicines. Half of the medicines used to treat 100 million children and adolescents in the EU have not been adequately tested and approved for them. Rather, medicines are…