Official announcements
messages in brief
The BMG, BMI, BMF and BASG participated in this year's action week. The operation took place this year from 25.09. to 02.10.2012. In total, more than 100 countries worldwide participated in the organized action. The aim was to simultaneously and in a…
Safety warnings
Blood & Tissue
Highest number of illnesses recorded since 2003.
Safety warnings
Blood & Tissue
Novel coronavirus was reported by WHO.
Sanofi Pasteur MSD GmbH has informed its supplied customers in a letter dated 24.09.2012 that a voluntary recall is being carried out for the above-mentioned batches due to a possibly too low antigen content.
Safety warnings
messages in brief
The active ingredient desmopressin (contained in various preparations) is approved for the treatment of primary enuresis nocturna, for the treatment of vasopressin-sensitive central diabetes insipidus, and for the treatment of nocturia associated…
Safety warnings
messages in brief
Ukrain is a medicinal product made from celandine extracts produced by the pharmaceutical company Nowicky Pharma. The drug was advertised in the EU as an alternative cancer treatment without a valid marketing authorization. In Austria, Nowicky Pharma…
The parallel distributor, HAEMATO PHARM AG; has informed its supplied customers by letter dated 5.9.2012 that the batches placed on the market by him are recalled, because tablets were found which are light blue and have "GILEAD" as tablet embossing.…
Safety warnings
Blood & Tissue
Occurrence of new diseases in the districts of Ialomita, Giurgi as well as city of Bucharest.
messages in brief
In accordance with Section 1 (3b) of the Austrian Medicines Act, Federal Law Gazette No. 185/1983, as amended, the following official demarcation has been made in response to questions submitted to the Federal Office for Safety in Health Care with…
The marketing authorization holder informed its supplied customers in a letter dated August 27, 2012, that in the course of stability tests at the manufacturer Ben Venue Laboratories, Ohio, USA, an overfill was detected in a single dry-stone ampoule…